Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++
Walls and Mirrors
(6th edition)


Frank M. Carrano

University of Rhode Island


Timothy M. Henry

New England Institute of Technology

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Errata List

Last updated on December 30, 2015.
The date after each error is the date it was posted on this list. Subsequent printings of the book will correct these errors.

If you find an error and it is not on this list, please e-mail a description of the error, the page number, and the tile/edition of the book.

Chapter 1

Page 23 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Listing 1-1, add the statement

using namespace std;

after the compiler directives.

Page 26 (Jan. 7, 2015)
In the 7th item of the Chapter Summary, add an "s" to the first word of the second sentence:

Modules should be loosely coupled.

C++ Interlude 1

Page 38 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Listing C1-3, delete the semicolon in the template statement:

template<class ItemType>; // Indicates this is a template definition

Page 38 (Feb. 26, 2015)
Right after Listing C1-3, delete the semicolon in the template statement:

template<class ItemType>;

Page 39 (Feb. 26, 2015)
Near the top of the page, delete the semicolon in the template statement:

template<class ItemType>;

Page 39 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Listing C1-4, delete the semicolon in the four template statements:

template<class ItemType>;

Pages 41 and 42 (Jan. 17, 2013)
Although the code in Listing C1-6 works, each constructor calls the PlainBox constructor twice, once explcitly and once implicitly. A detailed discussion of defining constructors in a derived class is at this link.

Page 43 (Dec. 1, 2015)
In the first sentence of the paragraph just before Listing C1-8, firstItemStored is initialized to false instead of true.

Page 43 (Jan. 17, 2013)
In Listing C1-8, delete the explicit call to the PlainBox constructor, since it is called implicitly. See the previous note for pages 41 and 42.

Page 45 (Nov. 20, 2012)
Replace the declaration of the method setItem in the 4th line of displayed code in the top half of the page with

virtual void setItem(const ItemType& theItem);

Chapter 2

Page 59 (Feb. 26, 2015)
Insert a cast into the first statement of the method writeBackward at the top of the page, as follows:

int length = (int)s.size(); // Length of string

Page 68 (May 14, 2015)
In the last quarter of the page, the relational signs are missing between the subscripted variables:
The line should be:

anArray[0] <= anArray[1] <= anArray[2] <= . . . <= anArray[size - 1]

Page 70 (May 14, 2015)
In the last quarter of the page, the relational signs are missing between the subscripted variables and target:
The line should be:

anArray[first] <= target <= anArray[last]

Page 72 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Checkpoint Question 7 should be numbered as 8.

Page 74 (Feb. 26, 2015)
In the last margin note, the "less than or equal to" operator is missing:

Partition anArray
into three parts:
values <= p, p, and
values >= p

Page 79 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Checkpoint Question 8 should be numbered as 9.

Page 84 (Nov. 20, 2012)
Revise the definition of the function getNumberOfGroups as follows:
Checkpoint Question 9 should be numbered as 10.

Page 87 (Feb. 26, 2015)
Insert a cast into the first statement of both versions of the method writeBackward, as follows:

int length = (int)s.size(); // Length of string

Page 87 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Checkpoint Question 10 should be numbered as 11.

Chapter 3

Page 103 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Revise Checkpoint Question 2 as follows:

If a client of ArrayBag creates a bag aBag and a vector v containing five items, what happens to
those items after the statement v = aBag.toVector() executes?

C++ Interlude 2

Page 120 (Nov. 10, 2012)
The first paragraph of Section C2.3 defines the free store. Many people call the free store a heap. Because Chapter 17 introduces the ADT heap—and the free store is not an ADT heap—we offer the term "application heap" instead of "heap" as an alternate to the free store. This book typically uses "free store" to avoid confusion with the ADT heap.

Therefore, replace the phrase "called the heap, or free store," in the fifth line of this first paragraph with
"called the free store, or application heap,"

Page 123 (May 21, 2015)
In the third line from the bottom of the page, delete RED in ToyBox<double>(RED).

Page 131 (Nov. 20, 2012)
The section number 2.5.1 should be C2.5.1.

Chapter 4

Page 146 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In the method clear at the top of the page, the statement

nodeToDeletePtr = nullptr;

near the end of the method will be flagged by the compiler because nodeToDeletePtr is undefined after the while statement. The simple fix is to delete this statement; afterall, nodeToDeletePtr is local to the method and will no longer exist after the method ends execution. A better solution is to move the declaration of nodeToDeletePtr to before the while statement , as follows:

template<class ItemType>    <-------The first two lines are on page 145.
void LinkedBag::clear()     <-------
   Node<ItemType>* nodeToDeletePtr = headPtr;
   while (headPtr != nullptr)
      headPtr = headPtr->getNext();

      // Return node to the system
      delete nodeToDeletePtr;
      nodeToDeletePtr = headPtr;
   } // end while
   // headPtr is nullptr; nodeToDeletePtr is nullptr

   itemCount = 0;
} // end clear

Page 147 (Nov. 20, 2012, Mar. 19, 2013, Nov. 16, 2013)
In the copy constructor at the bottom of the page, Page 148 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Section 4.3.1,
Page 149 (Nov. 20, 2012)
Page 151 (Mar. 4, 2015)
In Listing 4-4,
Page 152 (Mar. 4, 2015)
Note that the compiler will issue a warning message regarding the delete operator in the main method. This occurs because BagInterface, as given in Listing 1-1 of Chapter 1, is abstract and has a non-virtual destructor. To avoid the warning, you should add the following declaration of a destructor to the definition of BagInterface:

virtual ~BagInterface() {}
This destructor has an empty body; it is not a pure virtual method.

Chapter 5

Page 170 (Nov. 10, 2012)
In Checkpoint Question 3, an initial minus sign is missing. The prefix expression should be
- - a / b + c * d e f

Page 171 (Oct. 25, 2013)
The last line of the pseudocode for the method convert should be
return postExp

Page 181 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In the private section, the declaration of the method placeQueens should begin with bool instead of const:

bool placeQueens(Queen* queenPtr);

Page 186 (Feb. 25, 2013)
In Exercise 1a, isPal should be isPalindrome

Page 187 (June 4, 2015)
In Exercise 6, the second statement in the grammar should be
<dot> = .

Page 188 (June 4, 2015)
In Exercise 15, the operator in the if statemnt should be >=

Chapter 6

Page 200 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Our notation for a newly created stack in the axioms can cause confusion with C++ syntax when it is used later in method calls. For example, the axiom pseudocode
(new Stack()).isEmpty()
would be incorrect as a C++ expression. In C++, it should use -> instead of a dot as follows:
(new Stack())->isEmpty()
Therefore, we are deleting the new in the notation and making the following two changes near the bottom of the page:
We can state this axiom succinctly in terms
of the ADT stack operations as follows, if we represent a newly created stack by the pseudocode
expression new Stack():
(new Stack()).isEmpty() = true
Page 201 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Make the following changes to the axiom notation in the Note at the top of the page. See the explanation just given for page 200.
Note: Axioms for the ADT stack
(new Stack()).isEmpty() = true
(new Stack()).pop() = false
(new Stack()).peek() = error

Page 220 (Mar. 5, 2015)
In Exercise 15, delete the five occurrences of "new." See the explanation just given for page 200.

Chapter 7

Page 247 (Mar. 19, 2013)

Chapter 8

Page 258 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Make the following changes to the axiom notation. See the explanation given previously for page 200 in Chapter 6.

In Line 6: (new List()).isEmpty() = true

In the Note:
Note: Axioms for the ADT list
1. (new List()).isEmpty() = true
2. (new List()).getLength() = 0
6. (new List()).remove(i) = false
8. (new List()).getEntry(i) = error
12. (new List()).setEntry(i, x) = error
Page 260 (Sept. 27, 2015)
In the next-to-last line of the pseudocode at the top of the page for the operation replace, newItem should be newEntry.

Chapter 9

Page 274 (Mar. 19, 2013)
Delete the sentence that follows the default constructor, as we will need a copy constructor.

This is the only constructor we will need.

Chapter 10

Page 297 (Oct. 25, 2013)
In Figure 10-3b, the curve for n log n is missing. Here is a revised graph.

Chapter 11

Pages 307, 308, 310, 312, 316, 317, 324 (Mar. 31, 2015)
Each function header on these pages must be preceded by

template<class ItemType>

Page 313 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In the code at the top of the page, the statement that decrements loc is misplaced, and the comments that end the while and for loops are interchanged. The corrections follow:

      while ((loc > 0) && (theArray[loc - 1] > nextItem))
         // Shift theArray[loc - 1] to the right
         theArray[loc] = theArray[loc - 1];
      }  // end while
      // At this point, theArray[loc] is where nextItem belongs
      theArray[loc] = nextItem; // Insert nextItem into sorted region
   }  // end for
}  // end insertionSort

Page 323 (Nov. 10, 2012)
In the pseudocode for the partition algorithm, delete the first line in the body of the if statement:

if (indexFromLeft < indexFromRight)
   Move theArray[firstUnknown] into S1
   Interchange theArray[indexFromLeft] and theArray[indexFromRight]
   . . .

Page 332 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Programming Problem 8, replace DataItem within the second for loop of the function shellSort with ItemType.

for (int unsorted = h; unsorted < n; unsorted++)
   ItemType nextItem = theArray[unsorted];

C++ Interlude 4

Page 335 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Listing C4-1, delete the semicolon in the template statement:

template<class ItemType>;

Page 336 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Listing C4-2, delete the semicolon in the template statement:

template<class ItemType>;

Page 338 (Nov. 20, 2012)
Replace the declaration of the method setItem in the class PlainBox with

virtual void setItem(const ItemType& theItem);

Page 339 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In the body of the method setItem, precede item with PlainBox<ItemType>::. The statement is then

PlainBox<ItemType>::item = theItem; // item has protected access

Chapter 12

Page 351 (Feb. 26, 2013)
In SortedListInterface, the method getPosition should be a const method. Thus, its declaration should be

virtual int getPosition(const ItemType& anEntry) const = 0;

Page 352 (Sept. 27, 2015)
In the Note, change removeSorted to remove.

Page 354 (Mar. 19, 2013)
In Section 12.2.2, Page 360 (May 14, 2015)
The end of the first paragraph should reference Checkpoint Question 12 instead of 11.

Page 360 (Nov. 10, 2012)
We changed the order of the Checkpoint Questions on this page in the first printing: Question 12 is now Question 9, and Questions 9 through 11 are renumbered as 10 through 12. Thus, we have
       Checkpoint Question 9 asks you to define getPosition. You can do so by using the methods
getLength and getEntry.

Question 9 Define the method getPosition for the class SortedListHasA.
Question 10 Repeat Checkpoint Question 7 using the method insertSorted of the class SortedListHasA.
Question 11 Can a client of SortedListHasA invoke the method insert of the ADT list? Explain.
Question 12 Define the method removeSorted for the class SortedListHasA.
Note that the online answers assume these changes.

Page 362 (Sept. 27, 2015)
In the second line of the fourth paragraph, change List to LinkedList.

Chapter 13

Page 390 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Part a of Checkpoint Question 7 has a "6" before "deli" that should be a blank space. Thus,
"a6deli" should be "a deli"

Page 391 (Feb. 25, 2013)
In Exercise 3, the two calls to peek should be calls to peekFront.

Page 392 (Nov. 10, 2012)
In Exercise 14, delete "new" in the list of axioms (see the explanation given previously for page 200 in Chapter 6):
(new Queue()).isEmpty() = true
(new Queue()).dequeue() = false
(new Queue()).peekFront() = error
((new Queue()).enqueue(item)).dequeue() = new Queue()
((new Queue()).enqueue(item)).peekFront() = item

Chapter 14

Page 400 (Mar. 19, 2013)
Revise the 4th sentence of the first paragraph, as follows:
The initializer simply copies the value of aQueue.listPtr to listPtr.

Page 413 (Feb. 25, 2013)
In exercise 8, change the two occurrences of "front" to "back," and change the two occurrences of "back" to "front." The exercise should read as follows:

The class ListQueue, as given in Listing 14-1, maintains the queue's back at the end of a list of the queue's entries and has the front of the queue at the beginning of that list. Note that the list is an object of the class LinkedList. What is the impact on the efficiency of the operations enqueue and dequeue if we were to maintain the queue's back at the beginning of the list and the queue's front at the list's end?

C++ Interlude 5

Page 419 (Sept. 27, 2015)
Section C5.1.2, First paragraph, Last sentence: The phrase "not need" should be "need not."

In the section "Link-based lists" near the bottom of the page, "list-based implementation" should be "link-based implementation"

Chapter 15

Page 441 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Listing 15-1, add the following statement between the #define and template statements:

#include "NotFoundException.h"

Page 442 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In the comments that precede the methods add and remove, delete the */ at the end of the @param lines.

Page 442 (Sept. 27, 2015)
In the comments that precede the method contains, the postcondition should be "The binary search tree is unchanged."

Page 447 (Sept. 27, 2015)
In the Example, all of the calls to the method insert should be calls to the method add.

Chapter 16

Page 460 (Nov. 20, 2012)
In Listing 16-3, replace void in the class header with class:

class BinaryNodeTree : public BinaryTreeInterface<ItemType>

Page 463 (Jan. 7, 2015)
In the definition of the copy constructor about 2/3 down the page, replace treePtr two times with tree to be consistent with the header file on page 461:

template<class ItemType>
          BinaryNodeTree(const BinaryNodeTree& tree)
   rootPtr = copyTree(tree.rootPtr);
} // end copy constructor

Page 478 (Apr. 24, 2013)
Near the bottom of the page, the last three statements within the innermost else clause should be aligned with their previous else:

else if (N has only one child C)
C replaces N as the child of N’s parent
   if (
C is a left child)
      nodeToConnectPtr = nodePtr->getLeftChildPtr()
      nodeToConnectPtr = nodePtr->getRightChildPtr()

   delete nodePtr
   nodePtr = nullptr
   return nodeToConnectPtr
else //
N has two children
{ . . .

Note that if this was actual C++ code, the misalignment would not change the logic of the code.

Page 479 (Sept. 27, 2015, Dec. 30, 2015)
In the pseudocode for removeLeftmostNode,
  • Replace inorderSuccesssor with inorderSuccessor twice ("ss" instead of "sss")
  • Replace the else clause with the following code:
  •    else
          tempPtr = removeLeftmostNode(nodePtr->getLeftChildPtr(), inorderSuccessor)
          return nodePtr

    Pages 484 - 485 (Apr. 2, 2015)
    Make the following changes to the method readFullTree at the bottom of page 484:
  • Add treePtr as the first parameter of the method.
  • Move the two statements at the bottom of the page (and the preceding comment) to page 485 between the constructions of the left and right subtrees.

  • Thus, the method should be as follows:

    // Builds a full binary search tree from n sorted values in a file.
    // Returns a pointer to the tree’s root.
    readFullTree(treePtr: BinaryNodePointer, n: integer): BinaryNodePointer

       if (n > 0)
          treePtr =
    pointer to new node with nullptr as its child pointers

          // Construct the left subtree
          leftPtr = readFullTree(treePtr->getLeftChildPtr(), n / 2)

    Get the root
          rootItem =
    next item from file

    Construct the right subtree
          rightPtr = readFullTree(treePtr->getRightChildPtr(), n / 2)
          return treePtr
          return nullptr

    Page 486 (Nov. 5, 2013)
    Make the same changes to the method readTree that you made to the method readFullTree on pages 484 - 485. Also, change the recursive calls so that they are to readTree instead of to readFullTree. Thus, the method should be as follows:

    // Builds a full binary search tree from n sorted values in a file.
    // Returns a pointer to the tree’s root.
    readTree(treePtr: BinaryNodePointer, n: integer): BinaryNodePointer

       if (n > 0)
          treePtr =
    pointer to new node with nullptr as its child pointers

          // Construct the left subtree
          leftPtr = readTree(treePtr->getLeftChildPtr(), n / 2)

    Get the root
          rootItem =
    next item from file

    Construct the right subtree
          rightPtr = readTree(treePtr->getRightChildPtr(), (n - 1) / 2)
          return treePtr
          return nullptr

    Page 489 (Mar. 1, 2013)
    Exercise 4 references the binary tree in Figure 15-19 of Chapter 15. This tree is not a binary search tree, as required by this exercise. Instead, begin with the following binary search tree:

    Page 490 (Feb. 28, 2013)
    In Exercise 7b, the second and third calls to add should be calls to remove. Thus, the four C++ statements should be

    In Exercise 7c, use Figure 15-14c instead of Figure 15-14b.

    C++ Interlude 6

    Page 496 (Dec. 5, 2012)
    The code snippet mid-page and before the Note has two glitches. The corrections are shown below in red:

    LinkedIterator<string> currentIterator = myList.begin();
    while (currentIterator != myList.end())
       cout << *currentIterator; // O(1) operation
    }  // end while

    Page 497 (Dec. 5, 2012)
    The comment at the bottom of this page should end in */ instead of * /
    Note that the available source code is correct.

    Page 500 (Dec. 5, 2012)
    Each of the functions count and distance returns a value that is of type long instead of int. Thus, in the examples of their use, aceCount and numberRemaining should be declared as long instead of int.

    Chapter 17

    Page 511 (Nov. 5, 2013)
    In the last line of pseudocode at the bottom of the page, change < to <=:
    if (items[newDataIndex] <= items[parentIndex])

    Page 515 (Nov. 11, 2013)
    Correct the second paragraph as follows:

    Actually, you can replace itemCount - 1 with itemCount / 2 in the previous for statement. Thus, our pseudocode becomes

    for (index = itemCount / 2 - 1 down to 0)

    Page 515 (Jan. 10, 2015)
    Correct the last line of text to match the logic of the previously corrected pseudocode:

    . . . Since the array contains six items,
    index in the for statement begins at 6 / 2 - 1, or 2.

    Chapter 18

    Page 537 (Dec. 13, 2012)
    In listing 18-4, delete the second constructor: TreeDictionary(int maxNumberOfEntries);

    Page 560 (Dec. 5, 2012)
    At the end of the page, exchange the declarations of the two parameters of the method add:

    add(searchKey: KeyType, newItem: ItemType): boolean

    Page 561 (Dec. 5, 2012)
    In the C++ definition of the method add, exchange the declarations of the two parameters:

    bool HashedDictionary<KeyType, ItemType>::add(const KeyType& searchKey,
                               const ItemType& newItem)

    Chapter 19

    Page 571 (Dec. 5, 2012)
    In Listing 19-1, delete the declarations for the two parameterized constructors.

    Page 572 (Dec. 5, 2012)
    At the top of the page (at the end of Listing 19-1), add .cpp after TriNode in the #include statement.
    #include "TriNode.cpp"

    Page 585 (Nov. 10, 2012)
    Checkpoint Question 4 should reference Checkpoint Question 2 instead of 1.

    Chapter 20

    Page 629 (Sept. 27, 2015)
    At the top of the page, delete the margin note "Loop invariant" that appears to the right of the caption for Figure 20-30.

    Chapter 21

    Page 650 (Nov. 10, 2012)
    To clarify the pseudocode for getItem, insert data.getRecord(k) within the body of the third (innermost) if statement, as indicated:
    Find data record data.getRecord(k) whose search key equals searchKey

    Also, the indentation of various lines is incorrect. Click here to see the correct pseudocode for getItem.

    Appendix E

    Page 757 (Oct. 25, 2013)
    In the Inductive Conclusion of Example 3, replace 2k + 1 with 2k + 1 in the last line of the equations.

    (End of errata)