
Computer Science & Statistics at University of Rhode Island

Modular Arithmetic

A common analogy used to describe modular arithmetic is the 12 hour clock. When we reach 12:00, we do not move to 13:00, instead we wrap back around to 1:00. This is the same idea as modular arithmetic.

In modular arithmetic, we are left with the remainder from dividing any equation or number by our modulus.

A simple example can be seen in the equivalence below.

\[19 \equiv 3 \mod{8}\]

This is true because 19 divided twice 8 leaves a remainder of 3.

The same is true for equations in modular arithmetic. Some examples are shown below.

\[2*4 \equiv 2 \mod{3}\] \[2+5 \equiv 1 \mod{3}\]

More abstractly, all numbers can be written in the form

\[a = kn + b\]

where \(a\) is any number, \(k\) is the number of times n can be divided out of \(a\), and \(b\) is the remainder. So writing the equation \(a \equiv b \mod{n}\) is saying that both \(a\) and \(b\) have the same remainder after being divided by \(n\).